Local schools taking Zika preventative measures as classes resume

Zika virus  Miami Beach

MIAMI (WSVN) - As students across Miami-Dade County prepare to head back to class, educators have a protection plan in place in the zones where active transmission of the Zika virus is taking place.
Zika prevention is now part of back to school preparations for thousands of Miami-Dade families. “Fight the bite,” said Florida Department of Health spokesperson Lilian Rivera. “We want to make sure that folks are not bitten by mosquitoes and that the children have all of the information that they need.”
Miami-Dade schools geared up for the first day of class as they do what they can to protect students and staff. “When transferring to classes, we don’t even know if we’re gonna get bit or not,” said student Gabriel Bynum. “That was my main concern today.”
At Miami Beach Senior High, Sunday, employees handed out mosquito repellent and encouraged students to cover up with long uniforms despite the heat.
“Better safe than sorry,” said Miami-Dade County Public Schools Superintendent Alberto Carvalho. “I know that we’re trading off comfort for protection, and I think that’s a fair deal.”

Source :http://wsvn.com/

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